February Events

February was filled with many fun, exciting and educational opportunities at Winlaw Elementary.
February was the start of Black History Month. The students were engaged in learning about the accomplishments and perseverance of many black Canadians throughout the history of Canada. Students read stories, watched videos and created projects.
In February we also had our first dance of the year! Students and their families returned to the school in the evening to take part in a glow dance that had a DJ, face painting, photo booth, a board game room and a movie. I appreciate everyone for coming out and supporting Winlaw Elementary. Thank you to the Winlaw PAC for putting on such a great event.
Carnaval was in full effect in February as well. Students got to go through various stations that included canoe racing, maple syrup tire, snowshoeing, snow sculpting, Carnaval bingo, delicious chili made by AbEd teacher Jenna Hopper and a visit from Bonhomme Carnaval.
The grade 2-3 and 5-6 students completed their watershed videos and were able to show them to their families. The students had been working very hard on these projects and it was great to see their hard work displayed for everyone to see.
We finished our February with Pink Shirt Day. Our focus was on kindness and we held an assembly where each class got to do a small performance. Students and staff also participated in pick one persons name from our school out of a jar and doing something nice for them that week. it was great to see everyone interacting and finding ways to do something kind for someone in their school community. Stop by the school to see all the kind things that were done throughout Winlaw Elementary.