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Principal's Message


February Learning Highlights

February is Black History month.  Each morning during our morning announcements, we learned about an influential person in Black History.  Our librarian Ms Griffiths and Clerical Sharon Block displayed our collection of books related to anti-racism and Black History for teachers and students to explore and access.   Each student in Mr. Ellis’ class is researching about an influential person in Black History and creating a power point to share with their class and potentially some younger classes. Teachers in our primary classes are reading stories about anti-racism and talking about them with their classes.  Ms Linda’s Gr. 4/5 class has just finished a sequence of lessons on diversity which they presented in a slideshow during our Pink Shirt Assembly.  Although we highlight learning about Black History during February, we look forward to learning about Black History and anti-racism at other times during the school year as well.

I would like to share some links to new Anti-Racism resources developed by the Ministry of Education and Childcare and Sd8 online Anti-Racism resource collection. During our Staff meetings in the spring starting in March, our Staff will dedicate time to start reviewing these resources.   

Anti-Racism Guide for Teachers

K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan at


 Pink Shirt Day

Our Pink Shirt Day Assembly was held last week on February 22nd with many students and staff wearing pink shirts. Our primary classes sang songs about friendship and kindness. Ms Out’s Gr. 4/5 class shared their slideshow on images about what diversity is then sang a song about kindness.  Mr. Ellis’ Gr. 5/6 students wrote poems about kindness and presented them during this assembly.  Pink Shirt Day is held every year in communities and schools across Canada to create a more kind, inclusive world by raising awareness and promoting kindness and respect.

Le Bonhomme Carnaval

On February 28th, our students celebrated this famous Quebec winter carnival.  The whole school rotated through different stations in multi-age groups led by Gr. 5/6 student leaders.  Students participated in drawing the famous Bonhomme at Ms Marina’s station, snow building at Ms Kennedy’s station, canoe racing with Mr. Ellis, playing winter games in the forest with Ms Natasha, dancing with Ms Nielson in the gym, making the maple syrup snow treats with Ms Peel, and viewing video clips of Bonhomme Carnaval 2023 and the world class ice sculptures with Mrs. Doyle.

Intermediate Field Trip

Our Intermediate classes travelled in groups on March 1st to visit several local farms and interview farmers about local food production.  Filmmaker Brian Lye and student teams filmed during these trips and this will be part of the upcoming student documentaries.

Music at Winlaw

We are very grateful to the Capital Theatre Footlights Academy for the music lessons provided by K-12 music educator Lisa Trimboli.  It was a joy to see classes working with Lisa and creating music together.  Classes were so engaged that we brought in Lisa two more times.  Lisa and some Gr. 6 volunteers led the whole school in a beautiful rendition of a spiritual in honor of Black History month and the song Three Little Birds during our Pink Shirt Day Assembly.

Student Leadership

Our Grade 5/6 student leadership group organized a wonderful school dance that took place at lunch on Valentine’s Day.  Many thanks to teacher sponsor Sue Peel and her team for decorating, setting up the sound system, and to the student DJ’s in sharing such fun music!

 Winter Activities

We are excited about the upcoming Whitewater Ski and Snowboard program rescheduled dates on March 7, 14 and 16th!  Our K/1 students will participate in cross country skiing on the Rail Trail and other outdoor activities on these days.


Upcoming Events

March 7- Winter Activity program

March 8- PAC Meeting 4:15

March 9- Superintendent Smillie visiting Winlaw Elementary 9:00-12:00

March 14- Winter Activity Program

March 15- Author Sarah Elliman will visit Gr. 1/2 and Gr. 2/3 and sharing her latest book  "A Tree Just Like


March 16 -Winter Activity Program

March 17- Last day of school before Spring Break

April 3- First day back after Spring Break


Take care,

Monica Doyle

Principal, Winlaw Elementary School