Winlaw Newsletter, February 1, 2024

Dear Winlaw Families,
Our winter term is back in full swing! I would like to share some highlights prior to the Winter Holiday and since we have returned to school.
Shayna Jones, who is an award-winning professional performance artist specializing in the traditional oral storytelling of African and Afro-Diasporic folklore, did an outstanding performance with student participation on November 28th. She performed Folkplay which is a medley of wise words, rhythm, songs and movement on wisdom tales of Africa. She is a professionally trained actor, vocalist, and fine mover. Afro-Diasporic is the voluntary and involuntary movement of Africans and their descendants to various parts of the world during the modern and pre-modern periods. I am happy to share that Shayna Jones returned to Winlaw this past week and conducted amazing Story Telling Workshops with the Gr. 2/3 and Gr. 3/4/5 classes. We are very grateful to PAC for funding these workshops!
We held our Winter Concert on December 14th. Classes performed a medley of poems, songs, a reader’s theatre, and a whole school performance of the Canadian version of the 12 Days of Christmas! We give many thanks to music educators Talon Nansel and Lisa Trimboli for their musical guidance and support!
We are so thankful for the PAC sponsorship of the Mi’kmaltic performers Morgan Toney (Wagmatcook First Nation) and Keith Mullens on January 23rd. Their music genre showcases the teachings and songs of the Mi’kmaq People and the fiery fiddle style of Cape Breton Island. Morgan and Keith led a workshop for students from Gr. 3/4/5 and Gr. 5/6 who learned about the Mi’kmaq Culture, Teachings, and Songs. They also learned how to dance the Ko’jua and led the dance during the whole school performance!
Breakfast Program News!
Our universal Breakfast Program funded by the $500 donation from the Kootenay Credit Union and $6000 grant from the Vancouver Sun Adopt a school program is going very smoothly. We are so grateful to parent volunteers Amber Mayes, Anita Korai, George Dosa, Leah Nansel and Dawn Steeves who arrive at 7:15 on their respective days to start preparing and cooking. We serve our first bus students at 7:35, second bus students at 7:48, and third bus at 7:55 and all other students who may walk or drive to school. On average we are feeding about 30 students per day. Our Gr. 5/6 student leader volunteers take down the tables and chairs and put them away by 8:15. It is so lovely to see students from Kindergarten -Grade 6 starting the day eating a nutritious breakfast and having great conversations!
Student Leadership Group
We are so proud of Winlaw’s Student Leadership group. Our biggest endeavor this fall was raising money to support two families in need with Holiday Hampers through the WE Graham Community Service Society. The students made and sold popcorn, sold dryer balls (generously donated by Ms. Linda Out), wrapped gifts and collected donations for the food cupboard. Thank you to everyone who participated in these events! The Leadership group also ran Crazy Hair Day on December 15th and helped with the beloved Hallowe’en Howler.
PAC and Hot Lunch Program
Many thanks to our PAC representatives Marie Josee Bourgeois, Lisa Stooshnoff, and Stephanie Larsen for organizing the hot lunches online through Hot Lunches-Winlaw Elementary School. We had a very successful launch in November and the program is running smoothly. Please remember that your order must be paid for online via credit card or you may come into the school to pay by the point-of-sale machine, cash, or cheque. We give a huge thank you to Stephanie for her continued work in planning, cooking, and delivering the wonderful meals each Wednesday along with help from Sarah Solomon.
Winter Activity Days
Our Winter Activity days starting next week are scheduled for February 6, 13, 20, and 27. Skiing and snowboarding will take place at the Whitewater Ski Hill for Grades 2-6 students. There will be Cross Country Skiing for K/1 students as well as older students who wish to participate. Please contact Sharon Block at or Principal Monica Doyle at if your child needs financial support for the program fees.
Kindergarten 2024 Registration
Kindergarten Registration is now open for all children who are turning 5 years old this year. You may download the registration forms from the Sd8 website or come into the school to register. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. We will send out a Save the Date soon for our Welcome to Kindergarten Event which will be held in early June.
Upcoming Events
February 6,13,20,27- Winter Activity Days
February 16- -School Based Pro D Day ( this is a non-instructional day)
February 19 - BC Family Day Holiday
February 28 - Pink Shirt Day
March 8 - Learning Update sent home
March 15 - Last day of school before Spring Break
Best regards,
Monica Doyle
Principal, Winlaw Elementary School